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Grand Opening Group Exhibition│  
g e n e s i s

January 11th 2025 – March 1st 2025
Grand opening show: January 11, 11 AM to 2 PM

Experience artists: Ana Priscila Rodriguez (NL), Theo Polymorphos (USA), Dave Seeley (USA), Sonja Hesslow (SE), Emmi Mustonen (FIN), Anne Juul Christophersen (DK), Natasha Zraikat (AU), Liba Waring Stambollion (FR), Yoann Penard (FR), Robyn Rich (AU) and Era Leisner (NO)

You are invited to o gallery’s G E N E S I S.

Experience eleven renowned international visual artists, all working within the genre of Magic Realism.

You will see art carefully selected all the way from Australia, Finland, France, the USA, Sweden, Denmark and Norway.

Step into a gallery buzzing with diverse expressions and techniques, yet all naturally and uniquely belonging to the same universe – at o gallery.

You are invited to a truly special exhibition, where you embark on a personal odyssey through your own subjective impressions, associations, and opinions of each artwork.

Nostalgia? Joy? Unease?

No emotion is wrong.

Exhibition view